Friday, March 30, 2007

The Wellness Center

The Wellness Center
3746 NE Parvan Road
Kansas City,MO 64117
Office Number: (816)459-7300
Hrs: Mon-Sat 10:00-6:00pm; Closed Wed. & Sun.

Ken Chaney Testimonial:

"I first came into contact with the products listening to the Daniel Chapter One HealthWatch show on KCXL. I had a lot of health problems. 98 % of my kidneys were in failure. I had liver failure, respiratory failure and was pronounced clinically deceased at the hospital 3 different times. I had 5 different surgeries and the next step was to receive nutritions/liquids through a J tube. They kept me weeks & months at a time in the hospital due to organ failures. I would do what the doctors said and I never got better. I was in and out of the hospital for 4-5 years. I just seemed to maintain an unhealthy weight when I was sick.
That was 7 years ago and here I am. It wasn't until I got away from the established medical community, that I started getting better. I knew my system, I knew my body would heal if I gave it a little help. I always thought that all of our systems were set up to heal, that they just need nutrients. I literally was depending on that, because I had doctors looking me right in the face telling my family, 'If he checks out of the hospital this time without putting this tube in, I'm not sure we'll readmit him.'
I went to all kinds of nutritional supplement conventions to try and find something to help. It was hard to get good information. Listening to Jim & Trish, I had a feeling of security. It was the information that made all the difference.
I then began to try I Kings and about 10 other Daniel Chapter One products (BioMixx; HPLC, Colon Kleen, Hawthorne Plus C, Vitamin E, etc.) that I now use regularly. I have seen good results. At one point, I was 630 lbs. I lost 365 lbs. of that.
I wanted more people to be able to get their hands on these products so I decided to open up a store. I wanted to have the products available to people 6 days a week. They had benefited me and I just wanted it to bless the radio station and bless the community with them being able to help them get the products. If it hadn't worked for me I would have never been anywhere near the store. But I'll never have to wonder because it did make a difference.
I have felt since the time I've been taking the products that they were a gift from God. It certainly helped me to help other people because I get more done. I'm able to do more things. I've been able to do things I would not have been able to do otherwise if I hadn't had better health. We are happy to be a bridge, to be a conduit between them and the company. It's nice to be there and to be able to help them. It has without any question made a difference in my life too."


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